A Thank You Wouldn’t Be Enough

No matter how undeserving I am, He still hears my plea. I once felt so helpless and so lost, but in just one cry,t I was saved–again–in any possible way a child can be saved.  A thank you wouldn’t be enough, it’ll never be enough. But I’d still want to say the words, My Savior, My King, Thank You.  And from now on, I’ll strive hard to put my trust in You in every single of my life.

Hello Guys!

I hope you’re having an awesome weekend (so far) like I do! Well, I just want to share a bit of what’s been happening with my life. Yes, I’m aware that I wasn’t much of a blogger the past couple of weeks (more like months). It’s not that I lose my passion on it (never gonna happen); it’s just that there are times in life that you just want to stop and have a break from everything for a while.You know life’s been really hard on me the past weeks, but you know what, amidst of all the struggles and trials, I found myself fighting and holding on. I’m very far from the old me when it comes to facing bad circumstances. With my old habit of facing challenges and the trials I’m facing right now, I would’ve given up and just completely let myself be knocked down. But now, it’s totally different. I’ve changed. I find myself stronger. I finally found the beauty in darkness. For every time frustrations creep in, I knew already that I am not alone, not for a single second I find myself alone, regardless of how much powerful the storm raging around me. It always amuses me every time He sends me people and things to constantly remind me how wonderful and beautiful life is, even though I’m not where I want to be. I’m just so thankful for His grace and omnipotence; If not for Him I would have not looked at life now in a much more positive way! The battle’s not over yet, it just started. But I am positive, He’ll bring me through this. I’m no expert in life and challenges, but I can say that I am learning; and I can’t wait to share all those lessons with y’all soon. 🙂

A Fashion No-No

I come across to one of my friends facebook photo earlier today, and I was extremely saddened and a bit disappointed on how she dress up. I am not a fashion expert, but seeing her with that outfit, I feel somehow offended. You know a lot of girls are trying hard to follow the hippest fashion trends without thinking and caring if that particular trend can really suit them. I mean they’ll try copying a certain kind of fashion from a magazine, but they don’t really know how to carry themselves with that attire. Don’t get me wrong, all of us have the rights to wear anything we want to wear. But just to follow a certain trend you would sacrifice yourself to be disrespected? Like really? What for? for praises and applause. If you really want to be respected (most especially by guys) act modestly and dress up properly. You don’t have to reveal more of your skin. You don’t really have to follow the fashion trends just to be “in”. Remember: Less is more. You are already beautiful just the way you are. And most importantly you don’t have to dress up to impress, because God loves you wholeheartedly even those times when you feel you’re a mess.

I know this blog must be full of life, and not filled with some ranting post. Ngayon lang, pagbiyan na hehe. I just want to set as an example, especially for the young ladies out there. I hope I wouldn’t be misunderstood. Anyhow, I’ve got a couple of posts that I have yet to finish…will publish them soooon ☺
